The 3 Best Social Media Strategies for Real Estate Agents
Do you feel confident using social media for your real estate business? If you’re in the majority of agents, you probably don’t.
The good news is using social media doesn’t have to be as complex as you might think. The key is to choose the right strategy for you and then stick with it.
Here are the three most common social media strategies you can use to enhance your real estate business:
Strategy #1: Keep in touch
If you generate the majority of your business from your sphere of influence, this might be the right strategy for you. The idea is to use social media as one of the ways you keep in touch with the people who already know, like, and trust you.
Start by asking your sphere which social media sites they use. Create profiles on the most popular (if you don’t already have them) and make sure you “friend” as many people in your sphere as possible.
Finally, be yourself and use good judgment about what to post. A good rule of thumb is to post on social media only those things you would share with your sphere if you were having a conversation with them in person or on the phone.
Strategy #2: Branding
The branding strategy works well if you actively seek new clients through networking or traditional marketing (geographic farming, print ads, etc.). Many prospects who meet you in person or see your marketing will want to learn more about you. Having a strong social media presence can help convert them from prospects to clients.
Facebook business pages and LinkedIn are the two most commonly used platforms for the branding strategy. Be sure to include a bio about yourself, list your specialties and areas served, and explain to visitors how you can help them buy or sell (testimonials, if you have them, should also be included).
Posting listings and sales will show you are active and create credibility, but be sure to post other material as well. Market reports, shares of interesting articles (even if they aren’t related to real estate), and short opinion pieces will show personality and expertise.
Strategy #3: The Blog
If you enjoy writing or making videos, the blog strategy could be an excellent fit. While the branding strategy is about providing prospects a place to learn about you, the blog strategy is about giving them a place to learn about your topic.
The best agent blogs are those that focus on a particular market area or neighborhood. Be creative and go beyond real estate by posting about events, local businesses, and prominent people. It doesn’t necessarily matter which social media platform you use as long as you post at least once per week, every week.
P.S. – Don’t try to use all three strategies at the same time if you’re just getting started. Choose one strategy and master it before beginning a different strategy.