Tired of Getting Objections on Recruiting Calls?

Tired of Getting Objections on Recruiting Calls?

The other day I saw a list of 17 objections brokers receive when making recruiting calls. The person who assembled the objections was searching for the best ways to respond to them.

As I looked over the list, all I could do was shake my head.

Cold calling has been around for decades. There are dozens of trainers and coaches who have written countless scripts and dialogs for handling cold call objections.

Yet, here was someone still on the hunt for the magic words that would convince agents to schedule appointments.

You know what?

The magic words don’t exist.

The Keller Research Center at Baylor University found cold calls fail 99% of the time. A separate study from marketing company Unifyo came to a similar conclusion.

Yes, there was a time when cold calls worked. There was also a time when faxing was the preferred method of sending contracts.

Those times are gone.

Plus, no one enjoys making cold calls.

If you need proof of that, look around the industry and name me one owner, manager, or recruiter who has stuck with cold calling long-term.

Most owners and managers quit cold calling after a few months (if they do it at all). Recruiters hired to cold call rarely last a year.

So if you’ve ever told yourself:

  • I want to recruit more agents, but I don't have time to pick up the phone

  • I wish my staff would make the calls, but they don’t seem interested

  • I can get the agents once they're in front of me, but I don't know how to get in front of more agents

Know you’re not alone. You’ve just received the same outdated information about recruiting as everyone else.

I want to correct that.

If you would like to learn the exact system my clients are using to recruit agents without making cold calls, hit reply now and let me know.

I’d love to hop on the phone with you this week and share the system with you.

No sales pitch.

Just a conversation about how you can recruit more agents.

To take me up on my offer, send a message through LinkedIn or email me now at Drew@Petersonres.com with the best day and time to hop on the phone.

I look forward to speaking with you.

How to Get Agents to Join ASAP

How to Get Agents to Join ASAP

What Should You Research Before a Recruiting Appointment?

What Should You Research Before a Recruiting Appointment?