Do You Struggle With This Real Estate Recruiting Objection?
During your recruiting appointments, do agents ever tell you:
· “The timing just isn’t right for me to switch companies right now”
· “I’m not ready to move today, but why don’t we talk again in a few months”
· “I’m not that unhappy with my current company. I think I’ll just stay where I am for now”
Next to commission, the “timing” objection is the most common objection brokers hear in recruiting appointments.
If you struggle to persuade prospects to join sooner rather than later, click here to watch a video where I explain why you get the timing objection and what you can do to overcome it.
P.S. – The video is the direct result of a complimentary strategy call I did with a broker last week. He and I spent an hour talking recruiting even though I had no services to offer him (his territory wasn’t available).
If you’re struggling to recruit experienced agents, send me a message and let me know. I’m here to help even if we never do business together.