Recruiting Appointments: Forget Showing Your Value & Do This Instead
How many times have you heard a speaker or coach say you must “show your value”?
The phrase belongs right up there with “disruption”, “technology platform”, and “shift” as the buzzwords du jour of the real estate industry.
Lost an agent to a discounter?
You didn’t show your value.
Potential recruit decides to stay put instead of joining your company?
You guessed it…
You didn’t show your value.
But the truth is, agents don’t care about being shown value.
I mean, has a prospect ever sat across from you in a recruiting appointment and asked, “would you mind showing me your value?”
Of course not.
Because agents care about the problems they want fixed and the dreams they want fulfilled.
The question in the back of their minds is, “how can you help me?”
Yet consider the phrasing of “show your value” for a minute.
It puts the emphasis on you, the broker.
It implies the path to a successful hire is paved with explanations of features and benefits.
And while that’s partially true, it also ignores one critical point…
What’s important to the agent?
What are the problems the agent wants fixed and what are the dreams the agent wants fulfilled?
One of the biggest mistakes I see brokers make in recruiting appointments is too much talking and not enough listening.
The brokers believe in what they offer, they want to show value, and so they fire away with every product, service, feature, and benefit in their arsenal.
If you think this might describe you, allow me to give you one piece of advice…
Forget showing value and focus instead on figuring out what agents want.
Ask questions. Lots of them.
Ask until you’re 100% sure you know their unfixed problems and unfulfilled dreams.
Then show them how you can help them.
If you change the focus of your recruiting appointments from “Here’s what I offer!” to “What do you want?”, you’ll hire more agents.
P.S. - I want to make a distinction between “showing your value” and “selling on value”.
Selling on value means your focus is on something other than price. And that’s a good thing.
Selling on price alone is difficult because, by definition, only one brokerage can be the cheapest in town.