How to Recruit Using Zoom
A few days ago, I sent a newsletter detailing why Zoom is outperforming in-person for recruiting appointments.
The most common question I received about that email was, “What do I need to do differently on a Zoom recruiting appointment versus an in-person appointment?”
Here are my recommendations…
1.) Digitize as many of your recruiting materials as possible. That way, you can share them during the appointment without needing to hold them up to the camera.
2.) Record the appointment and send the recording to the agent. As they consider making a switch, they can refer to it if they forget something you said or showed them. Recording the appointment also allows you to review your performance and see what you could improve or do differently.
3.) Talk less and ask more questions. In an in-person appointment, you can sometimes get away with talking for several minutes at a time without losing the agent’s attention. But on Zoom, it’s easy for the agent to pull something up on their computer and ignore you if they lose interest.
4.) Do the Zoom somewhere quiet. You can easily do recruiting appointments in-person over food or coffee. But, if you try to do the Zoom from a restaurant or coffee shop, the background noise and distractions will make it difficult to get your message across.
5.) Turn off all notifications on your phone/computer and close out any programs/apps you won’t need during the appointment. You don’t want notifications distracting you or the agent. And, you don’t want personal items like texts or emails showing up at the wrong time.
Best of luck and feel free to reply with any questions. I’m always here to help.
P.S. – Invest in a good microphone or Bluetooth headset.
People are generally forgiving when it comes to low quality or spotty video. But, if the audio is poor and they can’t understand what you’re saying, you’ll lose them.