How to Use Video to Recruit Real Estate Agents

How to Use Video to Recruit Real Estate Agents

Video is one of the most underutilized methods for recruiting real estate agents. Here are a few ways you can incorporate it into your overall agent recruiting strategy:

#1 – One-to-One Recruiting Video Emails

Sending one-to-one video emails is time-consuming, so it’s typically best to save it for cooperating agents or agents who have been referred by your existing agents.

With cooperating agents, the idea is to compliment them on the transaction and invite them to a recruiting appointment.

With referred agents, your best bet is to try calling them first to get the recruiting appointment. But, if you can’t reach them, then a video email is an excellent way to reach out using an alternate method.

#2 – Bulk Recruiting Video Emails

Most recruiting emails are plain text or a combination of text and graphics. Agents recognize them as recruiting messages and rarely read them.

You can differentiate yourself by sending a video email with no text or graphics. Agents are more likely to watch the video out of pure curiosity. And, views of a video is a more reliable tracking method than merely opens of an email.

Make sure you follow up with any agents who watch the video but don’t respond to the message.

#3 – Video Testimonials

Recording video testimonials from your current agents is one of the most effective ways to communicate what you can offer potential recruits.

You can post video testimonials to your recruiting website and social media pages. You can also send them either before or after a recruiting appointment to reinforce the value you offer.

Whenever you record a video testimonial, it should always have three parts.

The first part is the problem the agent was experiencing before they joined (i.e. not enough business). The second part is how you helped them (i.e. training, coaching, leads, etc.). The third part is the result they achieved (i.e. six closing in the first three months of joining).

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