The 5 Types of Real Estate Recruiting Companies

The 5 Types of Real Estate Recruiting Companies

If you’re reading this post, there’s a decent chance you’re in the market for a real estate recruiting company. And while there are plenty of recruiting companies out there, there are significant differences in the services they provide.

Here are the five primary types of real estate recruiting companies.

Type #1 – Data Providers

The first type of real estate recruiting company is one that provides data brokers use to target specific agents. Some of these companies provide more data than others and some include a CRM while others do not.

Brokers who want to hire more than a handful of agents per year must have a real estate data provider to be successful.

Type #2 – Recruiting CRMs

The second type of real estate recruiting company is one that provides a recruiting-specific CRM. These companies typically have a relationship with a data provider so brokers have the option of either the standalone CRM or the CRM plus the data.

Although a recruiting-specific CRM isn’t necessary for hiring agents, we recommend all brokers who want to hire more than 10 agents per year invest in one.

Type #3 – Secondary Recruiting Materials

The third type of real estate recruiting company is one that specializes in providing secondary recruiting materials. So, they might provide email campaigns, social media content, direct mail campaigns, etc.

Brokers typically hire this type of company when they have the direct outreach methods such as cold calling and generating agent referrals covered but they want more exposure.

Type #4 – New Agents

The fourth type of real estate recruiting company is one that specializes in helping brokerages hire new agents. This can mean they target newly licensed agents, people who are interested in getting licensed, or a combination of both.

Companies that specialize in new agents generally use job posting platforms and social media to generate leads.

Type #5 – Direct Outreach

The fifth type of real estate recruiting company is one that specializes in direct outreach. Direct outreach means one-to-one communications with agents and, typically, those agents are producing.

Direct outreach almost always includes cold calls, but there are a couple of companies that do direct outreach through social media and/or email.

We are a direct outreach real estate recruiting company and we make cold calls because they are currently the most effective method for generating recruiting appointments with producing agents.


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