How to Open a Recruiting Call

We’ve made hundreds of thousands of calls over the years and tested a variety of openings. And while I’m not going to give you the exact language we’ve found works best (it is part of our “secret sauce” after all), I can point you in the right direction.

2023 Mid-Year Recruiting Update

It's been a minute since I last updated you on the status of recruiting. So, since we're halfway through 2023, now seems like a good time to let you know about three major changes we've observed so far this year.

How to Recruit Using Zoom

A few days ago, I sent a newsletter detailing why Zoom is outperforming in-person for recruiting appointments.

The most common question I received about that email was, “What do I need to do differently on a Zoom recruiting appointment versus an in-person appointment?”

The surprising new trend in recruiting appointments

The rise of Zoom due to Covid is well documented. And for a good 18 months or so, it was the primary means of doing recruiting appointments because of safety concerns.

What’s interesting is we’ve seen a major uptick in requests for Zoom appointments instead of in-person appointments even though the safety concerns have eased.